Prioritize Your Marriage

by | Aug 11, 2020 | Blogs

1) Connect Emotionally Throughout The Day.

Let your spouse know that you are thinking about them. Send them a text saying something thoughtful like, “I Love You” or “I Can’t Wait To See You This Evening”. This simple practice makes a big difference. Download the phone app Bitmoji. This is fun way to communicate with your spouse and is better than the standard emoji because you can create a cartoon version of yourself.

2) Be Fully Committed To Your Spouse.

Regardless of what you may have been through in life; strive to give your marriage your very all. People who have been hurt or have been through painful break ups in their history tend to hold back a piece of them. Don’t make this mistake. A marriage won’t make it if you play it safe and don’t get fully involved and committed.

“A long-lasting marriage is built by two people who believe in -and live by- the solemn promise they made.”
~ Darlene Schacht

3) Schedule Time To Do Things Together.

I think most couples plan on getting around to making time for each other, but few ever actually get around to it. Don’t let this happen to you. Your marriage will eventually run into trouble from the lack of intimacy and closeness. Deliberately schedule days and weekends for your marriage.

4) Hold Hands More Often.

This is one of the most soothing things you can do. It sends a powerful message that “I am here.” It is very comforting and speaks louder than most words ever will.

5) Remember The Little Things.

If your wife likes to use Chapstick but tends to forget hers; always keep a spare one around. If your husband likes a certain snack; remember to pick up the favorite snack when you go grocery shopping. This is just another way to say “I was thinking about you today.”

“Happily ever after is not a fairy tale. It’s a choice.”
~ Fawn Weaver

6) Take Out The Trash The First Time You Are Asked.

Don’t respond with “Yeah, I’ll get to it in a little bit.” Get on it right away. By getting on top of it sooner than later, you are sending a message to your wife that you value her enough to stop what you are doing. Wives notice this stuff. This is why they get so aggravated when you don’t handle this request as soon as possible.

7) Come Back And Tell Your Husband That You Love Him A Second Time.

After you have told your husband goodbye for the morning and head to work; turnaround and come back inside and kiss him again and really emphasize “I Love You!” Say with it passion and then head on your way. Never be too busy to get in one more kiss or one more “I love you!”

“The difference between an ordinary marriage and an extraordinary marriage is in giving just a little ‘extra’ every day, as often as possible, for as long as we both shall live.”
~ Fawn Weaver

8) Ask For Your Spouse’s Input And Advice.

Don’t get aggravated when your spouse offers input or advice; actually welcome it. Your spouse probably knows you better than you know yourself in certain matters and they may hold some tremendous insights. They may be able to look at the same problem from a different perspective or see a potential problem that you may run into with your approach.

9) Be Faithful In Mind And Body.

Do not let yourself get caught up in lustful thinking or behaviors. Only have eyes for your spouse and keep your heart, mind and soul committed to your spouse.

10) Be Quick To Forgive And Overlook.

This is the opposite of being sensitive, easily offended and quick to become defensive. Remember that both of you are on the same team.

“The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to forget is the happiest.”
~ Unknown

11) Pray For Your Marriage And Your Spouse.

One of the most thoughtful gestures you can do for your marriage is to pray for each other and your marriage. This simple but powerful gesture will bring both of you to a purer and humbler emotional state and will remind you of what’s really most important.

12) Take Good Care Of Yourself.

I regularly hear people in my office say they wish their spouse would lose some weight or start exercising but they would never dare say that to their spouse. If you are out of shape; get in shape. And besides, how are you going to live a long happy life together if you don’t take care of your health?

“Keep the fire lit in your marriage and your life will be filled with warmth.”
~ Fawn Weaver

13) Do What You Say You Will Do.

Don’t make empty promises. If you say that you are going to stop losing your temper or you are going to stop running behind schedule; then you need to do so. It is probably better to not promise but rather just change the behaviors that need to be changed.

14) Always Treat Each Other With Courtesy And Respect.

This one never needs to fall into the category of “I will, if you will.” Always treat your spouse with courtesy and respect even if your spouse seems to have forgotten this rule.

“We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.”
~ Sam Keen

Best of Wishes,

Mark Webb

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