How To Cope With and Overcome Loneliness

by | Jul 10, 2020 | Blogs

1) Reach Out To Others.

This advice is commonly given for someone suffering from loneliness. When you are feeling lonely, this is often the last thing you want to do. The reason it is so important to reach out for interaction with others is because of the consequences if you don’t. Loneliness is painful and it can cloud your thinking. It can distort your perception of yourself and over time, that distorted view of what you are feeling can set you up to be depressed and truly alone.

2) Loneliness Is A Feeling; Not A Fact.

Feelings are a tricky thing. Feelings can lie to you; especially if you are lonely. If you are lonely and you listen to your sad feelings, you could come to the conclusion that no one cares and that you truly are alone. This will certainly lead to a bad outcome. Remember the truth that you are not alone and that you are just feeling lonely.

3) Fight The Habits Of Loneliness.

When people are lonely, they tend to isolate from others and tend to watch way too much television. Push yourself to get out of this unhealthy comfort zone. Go outside, ride a bike, go to the library or just run errands to the store where you’re likely to run into people and feel like a part of society once again.

4) Focus On The Needs Of Others.

This can be a hard one but if you are a giver by nature it may not be as hard. You may find it easier to act in the name of another than for yourself. This will give you opportunities to interact with others and will give you a sense of fulfillment at the same time.

5) Seek Out Other Lonely People.

Rack your brain and think of other people you know who have a limited circle of friends and family. Think of environments in which people tend to do things by themselves and go to these places. These may be places where you already have an interest like the gym or church or sporting events.

6) Don’t Give Yourself The Excuse To Back Out.

If you say you will meet up with a friend or attend a group function; do so. Do not give in to the temptation to talk yourself out of attending or showing up. This sets the stage for people to stop asking you to do things and then this gets distorted as well. You’ll start noticing that other people never ask you to do anything and this may push you even further into isolation.

7) Be Persistent.

If things don’t work out with one person or group; try another.

8) Get Involved In A Project.

Make the most of your alone time. Distract yourself by starting a project you have been putting off. Maybe you have always wanted to write a book or research a certain topic, put together that 3-D puzzle you never got around to working on. Now would be a good time.

9) Learn How To Approach New People.

If you don’t have good people skills; you can learn them. Read books (again, the library is a great resource and our local library has wonderful staff who are ready to help you find what you need) and search the internet for skills on how to start conversations. This can be as simple as giving someone a sincere compliment or asking a question.

10) Resume Activities You Have Previously Enjoyed.

This might be a good time to pull out your running shoes or shopping for a good book to read.

11) Keep Up Your Self Care.

When people are lonely, they tend to neglect their appearance and hygiene. This is the worst thing you can do if you want to break the pattern of isolation. People will avoid you if you look and smell bad. Keep your hair cut and styled. Pay attention to your attire. Exercise. And remember to bathe.

12) Limit Your Use Of Alcohol. Or avoid it altogether.

Alcohol is a depressant and even though you may think it takes the edge off your loneliness it will actually lead you deeper into isolation and depression.

13) Get A Dog.

My wife would have told me to mention this option as number one. A dog’s unconditional love and support promotes interaction. A pet has needs like going outside that will have therapeutic benefits for you.

14) Explore Your Faith.

Lonely people often question their faith or turn away from God. This is a bad choice if you are struggling with loneliness. Pull out your Bible, start a Bible Study and/ or go to church.

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