by | Jun 25, 2020 | Blogs

Change can be hard. Continually coming up with new excuses as to why you don’t change can be even harder. Since making changes can be uncomfortable most of us master the path of procrastination. This path leads to putting off the changes you really would like to make, one more month, one more year, then another, and so on.

Fortunately for us God has established universal laws that keep the world in order. An example is the law of gravity. You know with certainty that if you drop your car keys that they are going to fall downward. Another example is the earth’s revolving within a twenty four hour period. You don’t have to think about these laws, they just happen.

A law that can help even the greatest of excuse-makers is the Law of Incremental Improvement. Another way of saying this is “constant and never ending improvement”. Robert Schuller said it in this manner, “By the yard it’s hard but by the inch it’s a cinch.” I think it is best explained by success expert, Brian Tracy. He put it in terms that make it easy for anyone to apply. Every day strive to do at least a ½ % more effort.” Tracy encourages.

I like this because the impossible begins to look possible. Most of us think of our changes at the final stage of accomplishment. We observe the distance from where we are now and where we want to end up and immediately start talking ourselves out of our desired change. “That’s too big of a jump.” “I can’t do all of that.” We ask questions that promote doubt and discouragement. “Do I really want to do this?” “Am I even capable of achieving my goal?”

So, here is how to apply the ½ % more technique. Suppose you are out of shape and you want to start an exercise program. A ½ % effort may be getting off the couch, walking out to your garage, and touching your barbells with your big toe; then walk back into the house. That’s about a ½ % effort. The next day you may lift the barbell once. Each day builds on the day before.

Perhaps you want to walk on your treadmill which has been used as a place to hang your ironing. The first day may be simply turning it on and then off again. The next day may be standing on it. The third day may be walking for only one minute. Do you see how easy this is? Imagine where either of these examples will be in one month. Both will be well on their way towards fitness.

Do you want to be happier? How could you apply the ½ % more approach? You could start with a smile but actually a ½ % may look more like a smirk to begin with. A smile may be the second day’s effort. Each day increase your level of effort by another ½ %. In a relatively short period of time, you will be telling jokes, laughing and interacting with others.

This can be applied to any area of your life. You may start with listening more to your children, spending more time with your parents or calling up old friends.

On some days I notice that I do more than the expected ½ % effort. I may do 10 % more. I may do 30 % more. I may just feel more motivated on some days. Other days I push myself with driving statements such as, “Do one more!” “Be willing to do what other people won’t.”

You will definitely want to apply this to your marriage. Pay attention to how you look at your spouse. Does it convey love? Take 2 to 3 minutes to write your spouse a love note. Offer to go somewhere that you really don’t want to go but it will make your spouse happy. You could turn a poor marriage into a great one in a short period of time.

I once asked my wife what she likes about this technique of applying a ½ % more and she responded, “Something is better than nothing!” I believe this sums it up. Doing something will create movement. This will create momentum. Momentum can transform your life!

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