by | Jan 24, 2010 | Blogs


One of the things I love most about being The Relationship Specialist is that I get to empower relationships. I particularly love to teach men how to be their best so that their women totally adore them. Here are some of the essential principles for becoming a great husband.

Listen To Her Feelings.

You might not understand or agree but listen. Most men argue or get frustrated. A great husband conveys unconditional support to his wife. He makes it safe for her to share all sides of herself.

Spend Time With Her.

Let your actions clearly show that your wife is your greatest priority. She needs to know that she is special to you. Most men choose sports, T.V. or hunting/fishing. You can have these things but if your wife doesn’t know she comes first in your life then she may resent your other pursuits.

Be Her Champion.

Your wife needs to feel your strength and security. “I’m here for you” is the point you want to make. Despite other messages she may give you, women hate having to be in charge all of the time. Great husbands stand by their wives no matter what.

Let Her Know That You Are Captivated By Her Beauty.

Great husbands let their wives know that they only have eyes for her.

Mark Webb is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in private practice at South Georgia Psychiatric and Counseling Center in Valdosta. Mark Webb is also the author of How To Be A Great Partner and founder of Partner Focused Relationships™. Sign up for Mark Webb’s “Relationship Strategies” Ezine ($100 Value). Just visit his website at or

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