Are You Bringing Home Your Work Related Stress?

by | Oct 8, 2020 | Blogs

“If Plan A fails remember that you have 25 letters left.” ~ Unknown

1) Develop An End Of Work Re-set.

Train your brain with a signal to prepare that is time for you to go home and be with your family. In the old days we had a card punch time clock that helped you make the transition that it was time to leave work until tomorrow. You want to find a method that will help you free up the stress that has built up throughout the day. Look for ways to make the most of your ride home. Play music that puts you in a positive state of mind. Reflect on your gratitude list, what things are you grateful for that occurred today? Perhaps going to the gym or for a run after work could shed some of the work day stress. Unless your spouse has been home all day with small children; then I would suggest you go straight home to relieve them or then you will have marital stress in addition to your work related stress.

2) Set Specific Times and Places For Your Work.

Leave your work at the office. Make a rule to work from home only in exceptional circumstances. But please beware that once you make one exception the next one will come much easier. If it isn’t possible to avoid bringing some work home, designate some time each day for home life without any disruptions. This could be during dinner or as you are putting the children to bed. If you work at home, don’t bring your laptop to bed or use it in the living room. Work in an office or a specified workspace. Doing this will mentally help you shut off your work mindset when you leave that area. This will also give you an incentive to work as efficiently as possible so you can get back to your family.

3) Do Not Let Your Phone and Laptop Control Your Life.

Develop good habits and rules that keep your laptop and phone from keeping you tied to your work. If you have a specific phone for work, leave it in an out of the way place and perhaps turn it off on nights and weekends. Try not to check your work email prior to bed. This can negatively impact your brain’s ability to prepare for sleep. Remember, a poor night’s sleep will add to your work stress.

4) Engage In A Hobby or Outside Interest.

Hobbies bring a sense of fun and freedom to life that can help to minimize the impact of work related stress. If you feel overwhelmed at your job, a hobby can provide an outlet for stress and something to look forward to after a hard day or week.

5) Develop A Support Network.

Have people that you can turn to in times of stress. Having an outlet where you vent your stress and frustration can increase your ability to cope with work stress. Strive not to dump all of your work stress on your spouse though. You could subconsciously associate your spouse with your stress. Then you won’t want to come home. And that’s never a good thing.

“There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.” ~ Unknown

6) Make Time For Your Spouse and Children.

Make time at least once a week to do something fun with your family. It doesn’t have to cost money. When families play together they grow closer and have more patience for one another. Board or card games are a great way to sit together and make wonderful memories. Plus it is a great distraction from the stress you deal with each day.

7) Try Not To Overschedule Yourself Or Your Children.

Too many activities on your family’s plate will always bring stress. Your children don’t need to be involved in every extra-curricular activity. You don’t have to say yes to everyone’s request of your time. By protecting your family’s time, there will be less rushing around which will naturally reduce stress.

8) Expect The Unexpected.

There will always be certain times when events will happen that might take you by surprise. Be flexible and when these unexpected events arise, deal with them immediately.

For example, people will call into work sick or they will have family emergencies. Instead of getting stressed out and overwhelmed, reassign some of the tasks to your other employees.

9) Establish A Routine.

Put your family on a set schedule. With a schedule, everyone will know what to expect including your children. This will eliminate a lot of stress that comes from the unknown and from the possible struggles with confusion about bedtime and mealtime. Our children will be better behaved when things are routine.

10) Develop A Positive Lifestyle.

Getting enough sleep and plenty of exercise will do more than just help you come home from work in a better mood. They are essential components in living a healthy lifestyle. Adequate sleep helps everything from increased creativity to a longer life span. You also will have a better attention span, which in turn can improve your performance at work and home. And everyone knows that exercise will boost your energy, increase your happiness, and improve your memory. Additionally, exercise helps you sleep better.

If you are one of the people who think they lack the energy to work out or they don’t have the time to go to bed at a decent hour, please keep in mind that sleep and exercise are the solutions to reducing your stress. And less stress could mean happier and healthier relationships with your family.

“The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.” ~ Sydney J. Harris

Best of Wishes,

Mark Webb

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