20 Lessons You Can Learn From Ebenezer Scrooge On How To Live A Better Life

by | May 22, 2020 | Blogs

“Oh! but he was a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone, Scrooge! A squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner!” ~ Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol

1) Bitterness Is Poison.

Holding negative emotions will harden your heart and make you old before your time.

2) Notice The Opportunities Of Life Around You.

Do not get so caught up in your work and the other tasks of your life that you lose sight of friends and family, laughter and making happy memories.

3) Saying “I’m Sorry” and “I’m Wrong” Is A Strength.

If you haven’t been a very nice person, apologize to those that have an apology coming to them and strive to repair the damage of your past wrongdoings.

4) The Power Of Envisioning The Future.

Every decision you make today will have an impact on your tomorrow. Take a moment to consider the long term impact of your current behavior. What will your life look like five years from now if you do not change? How will it look 10 years from now or perhaps even twenty years from now? Now think ahead as if you have corrected any problem areas of your life and envision how your world unfolds. How does your future look now?

5) It Is Never Too Late To Change.

The errors of your past can be corrected in a moment. Scrooge was not a young man when he decided to change his ways. Decide to be better, starting now.

6) You Can’t Learn If You’re Too Busy Jabbering.

Ease up on any opinionated, negative talk and do a better job at paying attention to what is going on around you.

7) It Is Better To Give.

A generous heart is a happy heart. One of the first things that Scrooge did was to share his wealth. Once he shared his gains in life, he began to reap his own happiness and his energy levels soared immediately.

8) Learn From The Example Of Others.

People are all around you and they are setting either good examples or bad ones. Pay attention to both types because they provide examples of either a life lived well or of a life wasted.

9) Allow Yourself To Feel The Whole Range Of Emotions.

Do not guard your heart so carefully that you never truly feel sadness and loss or the joy of laughter.

10) Your Choices Either Bring Benefits Or Consequences.

Strive to make good choices that promote connection with others and a peaceful heart and mind.

11) A True Change Requires Action.

Good intentions are not enough. Do something today to demonstrate that you are committed to being a better person.

12) Know When To Cut Your Losses.

It takes a big person to admit they have been on the wrong track in life. If you have been misguided, start a better path today.

13) Everyone Can Be A Teacher.

Scrooge learned to study the actions of his employee, his nephew and even Tiny Tim. Everyone can be a teacher if you are only willing to learn. You will either learn better ways to do things or you will learn what not to do.

14) Treat People The Way You Want To Be Treated.

The Golden Rule is a timeless principle that will never lose value. Live by it.

15) Do Not Take Your Life For Granted.

Never waste a single day with careless procrastination. Seize your life with passion and enthusiasm.

16) Associate With Cheerful People.

Positive happy people will keep you feeling positive and happy. It’s that simple.

17) Christmas Is A State Of Mind.

Christmas is about sharing from our own blessings to those in need, spreading goodwill to others and demonstrating compassion and forgiveness. It is a time when we tend to show a better side of ourselves. That is why Scrooge vowed that he would keep Christmas in his heart all the year round.

18) Give Back To The Community.

Look for a need in our community and do something to help fill that need. Especially in terms of the needs of children, the elderly and the homeless.

19) Learn From Your Past.

Your past does not dictate who you are or how your future will be as long as you don’t keep making the same decisions about how you will live your life.

20) Be Passionate About What You Do.

If you are going to do something; anything, do it with enthusiasm! Decide to be excited in every task of your life; even the menial ones.

“I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach!” ~ Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol

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